Seattle World School
- Community Programs
- 11
Academic Learning (2 programs)
Programs that support and reinforce school-day academic instruction within any subject area - language arts, career and technical education, math, science/technology, visual and performing arts, physical education, health education, ethnic studies, social studies, and world languages - in alignment to the curriculum and academic goals for students and the district.
Behavior/Social and Emotional Learning and Supports (3 programs)
Programs that support adults and students in developing 21st century skills and competencies such as self-management, social awareness, responsible decision-making, and building trusting relationships, in order to handle ourselves, our relationships, and our work/studies effectively. This is inclusive of programs supporting alternative discipline approaches such as restorative justice.
College and Career Readiness (1 program)
Programs that support preparing all students for college, career, and life, including supporting students through the college admission process, exposing them to careers through internships, and helping them to develop post-secondary plans.
Graduation Success provided by Treehouse
Show DetailsFamily Engagement & Support (1 program)
Programs that support partnership with families and caregivers so that families can understand and support their child's academic and social emotional learning, easily navigate schools/district systems, and so that schools can leverage the assets and knowledge of families within the school community.
Kandelia provided by Kandelia
Show DetailsHealth & Wellness (4 programs)
Programs that meet students' physical and behavioral health needs so they can be in school and ready to learn.