International Community Health Services

Organization Details

NameInternational Community Health Services

Organization Description

Mission statementDeeply rooted in the Asian Pacific Islander community, ICHS provides culturally and linguistically appropriate health and wellness services and promotes health equity for all.
Service(s) descriptionOur school-based health center provides onsite medical care, dental care, and behavioral health services to students. School-based health centers offer a comprehensive scope of services including asthma care, immunizations, family planning, and mental health counseling (learn more from the Washington State School-Based Health Alliance FAQ). Health center staff also assist students and their families with health insurance enrollment, health and wellness services, and other community resources.
Program impactAccess to school-based health care services reduces time out of school for students, time out of work for families, and enables integration of academic goals into the medical and mental health treatment of students.

Community programs are organized into categories known as Community School Elements. All community programs associated with International Community Health Services are listed below and each program may be provided at 1 or more schools. You can use the 'Show Details' buttons to learn more about each program.

Health & Wellness (1 program)

Programs that meet students' physical and behavioral health needs so they can be in school and ready to learn.