
Organization Details


Organization Description

Mission statementWe remove barriers to opportunities so immigrant and refugee communities can flourish without compromising values, heritage or ethnicity.
Service(s) descriptionAfter school programs for immigrant/refugee youth (Tutoring, Sports, Job Readiness Training) Family Self-Sufficiency Classes (English, Digital Literacy) Food Access (Weekly grocery bags)
Program impactnot provided

Community programs are organized into categories known as Community School Elements. All community programs associated with Kandelia are listed below and each program may be provided at 1 or more schools. You can use the 'Show Details' buttons to learn more about each program.

Family Engagement & Support (1 program)

Programs that support partnership with families and caregivers so that families can understand and support their child's academic and social emotional learning, easily navigate schools/district systems, and so that schools can leverage the assets and knowledge of families within the school community.