Catholic Community Services
Organization Details
Name | Catholic Community Services |
URL | |
Organization Description
Mission statement | Rooted in Catholic Social Teaching and the Gospel imperative, Catholic Community Services and Catholic Housing Services are outreaches of the Catholic Church in Western Washington, under the leadership of the Archbishop of Seattle and the Boards of Trustees. CCS and CHS answer the Gospel call to loving and compassionate service with particular concern for the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death and the dignity of the human person. Our employees and volunteers come from many faith traditions to serve and support poor and vulnerable people through the provision of quality, integrated services and housing. Our focus is on those individuals, children, families, and communities struggling with poverty and the effects of intolerance and racism. We actively join with others to work for justice. |
Service(s) description | We serve students who live in six different low-income housing communities in Seattle, and our tutoring centers are located in those housing communities. Off-site outreach services include: Children and Family, housing, emergency services, counseling and mental health, childcare. |
Program impact | Catholic Community Services of Western Washington (CCSWW) is the largest local private provider of assistance to poor and vulnerable people in the state of Washington. |
Community programs are organized into categories known as Community School Elements. All community programs associated with Catholic Community Services are listed below and each program may be provided at 1 or more schools. You can use the 'Show Details' buttons to learn more about each program.
Expanded Learning (2 programs)
Programs that provide opportunities outside of the regular school day to practice and reinforce the skills students are learning in the classroom, to get exposure to new and different areas that may spark their interest and curiosity, and to cultivate strong social emotional skills and mindsets.
Health & Wellness (1 program)
Programs that meet students' physical and behavioral health needs so they can be in school and ready to learn.