Stone Soup Theatre

Organization Details

NameStone Soup Theatre

Organization Description

Mission statementHere at Stone Soup, it is our philosophy that everyone – actor, author and audience – bring an essential ingredient to the creation of theatre and the sum is always greater than the parts.
Service(s) descriptionInclusive and actor-centered, Stone Soup Theatre specializes in drama for kids and teens ages 5 to 16. We offer teacher in-service training, residencies, after-school classes, winter and spring break camps, a youth conservatory program, and outdoor summer camps welcome to students of all backgrounds. We create a collaborative, fun, and open environment meant to teach young people skills for the stage and skills for life.
Program impactnot provided

Community programs are organized into categories known as Community School Elements. All community programs associated with Stone Soup Theatre are listed below and each program may be provided at 1 or more schools. You can use the 'Show Details' buttons to learn more about each program.

Academic Learning (1 program)

Programs that support and reinforce school-day academic instruction within any subject area - language arts, career and technical education, math, science/technology, visual and performing arts, physical education, health education, ethnic studies, social studies, and world languages - in alignment to the curriculum and academic goals for students and the district.