Neighborhood House

Organization Details

NameNeighborhood House

Organization Description

Mission statementNeighborhood House builds community and increases access to housing, health, education and economic opportunity.
Service(s) descriptionNeighborhood House creates opportunities for students and families experiencing language, cultural and systemic barriers to access housing, health, education and economic opportunity. We provide direct services to children and youth as well as culturally responsive services to families.
Program impactchildren are ready for kindergarten youth are less likely to use drugs parents are equipped to support their children's social and emotional well being and avoid using drugs, stay in school, and have stronger bonds youth that are disengaged from school are re-engaged in school, GED, college or career youth that have newly arrived from other countries have access to dental, medical and behavioral health care families that face housing instability are stably housed

Community programs are organized into categories known as Community School Elements. All community programs associated with Neighborhood House are listed below and each program may be provided at 1 or more schools. You can use the 'Show Details' buttons to learn more about each program.

School Readiness & Transitions (1 program)

Programs that prepare and support students to move from early childhood into elementary, middle, and high school, and beyond into higher education and the workforce.