Arts Corps

Program Information

Program NameArts Corps
URLnot provided
Partnership categoryBehavior/Social and Emotional Learning and Supports
Service TypesVisual arts education and enrichment activities
Program DescriptionOur Creative Youth Development (CYD) programs develop artistic skills, foster creative capacities, and cultivate leadership identity among students via culturally responsive after-school enrichment classes and out-of-school time programs. Our CYD programs range from teen leadership intensives that focus on artistry and social justice to weekly enrichment classes for youth and families who have experienced extreme poverty, homelessness, or abuse. Programs and classes include: a. Out-of-School Time Arts Enrichment: Weekly classes for approximately 600 students in grades K-12. Classes are held at 13 partner sites across Seattle & South King County, including Parks and Recreation and low-income housing sites for families experiencing extreme poverty. b. Art 4 Life Teen Internships: These paid intensive workshops include both mural painting and digital media arts, integrated with leadership development, and career-connected STEM opportunities for BIPOC, femme identifying, and non-binary youth.

Organization Information

Name Arts Corps